Hello world!
This article will guide you to build your first package with Luet! For this purpose, we have picked a real-world example: gogs which is a “painless self-hosted Git service”, an open-source alternative to Github.
Gogs is written in Golang, and we need a working Golang version in order to build it.
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Define a Luet tree
Everything starts from a Luet tree. A Luet tree is just a directory containing one (or more) Luet specfile, here on we assume that you are working in a dedicated folder (e.g. ~/demo
) in your system.
Let’s create then a package that will be our base to build other packages from now on, we have picked busybox
here - it is really small and enough for our purpose.
mkdir busybox
Let’s now write the build specification, which is just containing the image tag that we are referencing to
cat <<EOF > busybox/build.yaml
image: "busybox:{{.Values.version}}-glibc"
Now, lets write the definition.yaml
, which contains the metadata information about our package ( e.g. how we refer to it with luet, the version, and so on )
cat <<EOF > busybox/definition.yaml
category: "distro"
name: "busybox"
version: "1.33.0"
We need now golang in order to build gogs
. Let’s declare then a golang package:
mkdir golang
And a build specfile, which is simply fetch golang from https://golang.org and installing it in the busybox container:
cat <<EOF > golang/build.yaml
- category: "distro"
name: "busybox"
version: ">=0"
- wget https://golang.org/dl/go{{.Values.version}}.linux-{{.Values.arch}}.tar.gz -O golang.tar.gz
- mkdir /usr/local
- tar -C /usr/local -xzf golang.tar.gz
Note how we require
busybox. The Golang container will now be based from busybox, and the prelude
and steps
fields will be executed in that context.
And finally let’s write the golang metadata files, so we can refer to it from other packages
cat <<EOF > golang/definition.yaml
name: "go"
category: "dev-lang"
version: "1.15.6"
arch: "amd64"
Finally we can write the gogs package definition!
mkdir gogs
The build specfile, will just fetch the gogs
sources at a given version (specified in the definition.yaml
) and build the sources with go:
cat <<'EOF' > gogs/build.yaml
- category: "dev-lang"
name: "go"
version: ">=0"
- GOPATH="/go"
- GOGSPATH="$GOPATH/src/github.com/gogs/gogs"
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
- mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/gogs
- wget https://github.com/gogs/gogs/archive/v{{.Values.version}}.tar.gz -O - | tar -xzf - -C ./ && mv gogs-{{.Values.version}} $GOGSPATH
- mkdir /usr/bin
- cd $GOGSPATH && go build && mv gogs /usr/bin/gogs
# Cache generated by Golang
- ^/root
And the metadata, in this way we can refer to gogs in a Luet tree:
cat <<EOF > gogs/definition.yaml
category: "dev-vcs"
name: "gogs"
version: "0.11.91"
Build packages
The simplest and mostly immediate way to build packages, is running luet build <packagename>
in the same folder you have your Luet tree.
In this case, to build gogs and its deps, we can do:
luet build dev-vcs/gogs
And that’s it! you will find the package archives in build/
in the same folder where you started the command.
You will see that Luet generates not only archives with the file resulting to your builds, but it will also generate metadata files (ending with .metadata.yaml
) that contains additional metadata information about your build and the package itself (e.g. checksums).
You can use tools like yq to inspect those:
yq r build/gogs-dev-vcs-0.11.91.metadata.yaml checksums
Now if you want to consume the artifacts just built with luet install
, you can create a repository with luet create-repo
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