How Luet turns Image resolution into CSP

Under the hood, Luet uses boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) reinforcement learning techniques to solve package constraints.

Luet allows you to specify 3 types of set of contraints on a package definition:

  • Requires
  • Conflicts
  • Provides

The package definition in your tree definition, along with its Requires and Conflicts, are turned into Boolean formulas that are consumed by the solver to compute a solution. The solution represent the state of your system after a particular query is asked to the solver (Install, Uninstall, Upgrade).

Requires and Conflicts

A list of requires and conflicts, composed of one or more packages, becomes a SAT formula. The formula is then given to the SAT solver to compute a finite state set of packages which must be installed in the system in order to met the requirements.

As Luet allows to express constraints with selectors ( e.g. A depends on >=B-1.0) it generates additional constraints to guarantee that at least one package and at most one is picked as dependency (ALO and AMO).


Provides constraints are not encoded in a SAT formula. Instead, they are expanded into an in-place substitution of the packages that they have to be replaced with. They share the same SAT logic of expansion, allowing to swap entire version ranges (e.g. >=1.0), allowing to handle package rename, removals, and virtuals.
