CLI usage

How to install packages, manage repositories, …

Installing a package

To install a package with luet, simply run:

$ luet install <package_name>

To relax dependency constraints and avoid auto-upgrades, add the --relax flag:

$ luet install --relax <package name>

To install only the package without considering the deps, add the --nodeps flag:

$ luet install --nodeps <package name>

To install only package dependencies, add the --onlydeps flag:

$ luet install --onlydeps <package name>

To only download packages, without installing them use the --download-only flag:

$ luet install --download-only <package name>

Uninstalling a package

To uninstall a package with luet, simply run:

$ luet uninstall <package_name>

Upgrading the system

To upgrade your system, simply run:

$ luet upgrade

Refreshing repositories

Luet automatically syncs repositories definition on the machine when necessary, but it avoids to sync up in a 24h range. In order to refresh the repositories manually, run:

$ luet repo update

Searching a package

To search a package:

$ luet search <regex>

To search a package and display results in a table:

$ luet search --table <regex>

To look into the installed packages:

$ luet search --installed <regex>

Note: the regex argument is optional

Search file belonging to packages

$ luet search --file <file_pattern>

Show package files

Files are displayed when visualizing output of search in json or in yaml, for instance, consider the following example:

$ luet search -o yaml system/luet-0.32.5
- category: system
  - usr/bin/luet
  hidden: false
  installed: true
  name: luet
  repository: luet
  target: ""
  version: 0.32.5

Search output

Search can return results in the terminal in different ways: as terminal output, as json or as yaml.


$ luet search --json <regex>


$ luet search --yaml <regex>


$ luet search --table <regex>

Quiet luet output

Luet output is verbose by default and colourful, however will try to adapt to the terminal, based on which environment is executed (as a service, in the terminal, etc.)

You can quiet luet output with the --quiet flag or -q to have a more compact output in all the commands.