Building packages

How to build packages with Luet


Luet currently supports Docker and Img as backends to build packages. Both of them can be used and switched in runtime with the --backend option, so either one of them must be present in the host system.


Docker is the (less) experimental Luet engine supported. Be sure to have Docker installed and the daemon running. The user running luet commands needs the corresponding permissions to run the docker executable, and to connect to a docker daemon. The only feature needed by the daemon is the ability to build images, so it fully supports remote daemon as well (this can be specified with the DOCKER_HOST environment variable, that is respected by luet)


Luet supports Img. To use it, simply install it in your system, and while running luet build, you can switch the backend by providing it as a parameter: luet build --backend img. For small packages it is particularly powerful, as it doesn’t require any docker daemon running in the host.

Building packages on Kubernetes

Luet and img can be used together to orchestrate package builds also on kubernetes. There is available an experimental Kubernetes CRD for Luet which allows to build packages seamelessly in Kubernetes and push package artifacts to an S3 Compatible object storage (e.g. Minio).

Building packages

Build packages

Luet provides an abstraction layer on top of the container image layer to make the package a first class construct. A package definition and all its dependencies are translated by Luet to Dockerfiles which can then be built anywhere that docker runs.

To resolve the dependency tree Luet uses a SAT solver and no database. It is responsible for calculating the dependencies of a package and to prevent conflicts. The Luet core is still young, but it has a comprehensive test suite that we use to validate any future changes.

Building a package with Luet requires only a definition. This definition can be self-contained and be only composed of one specfile, or a group of them, forming a Luet tree. For more complex use-cases, see collections. Luet also supports building packages from standard Dockerfile directly.

Run luet build --help to get more help for each parameter.

Build accepts a list of packages to build, which syntax is in the category/name-version notation. See also specfile documentation page to see how to express packages from the CLI.

Reproducible builds

Pinning a container build is not easy - there are always so many moving pieces, and sometimes just set FROM an image tag might not be enough.

Luet while building a package generates intermediate images that are stored and can be optionally pushed in a registry. Those images can be re-used by Luet if building again the same tree to guarantuee highly reproducible builds.

Environmental variables

Luet builds passes its environment variable at the engine which is called during build, so for example the environment variable DOCKER_HOST or DOCKER_BUILDKIT can be setted.

Every argument from the CLI can be setted via environment variable too with a LUET_ prefix, for instance the flag --clean, can be setted via environment with LUET_CLEAN, --privileged can be enabled with LUET_PRIVILEGED and so on.

Supported compression format

At the moment, luet can compress packages and tree with zstd and gzip. For example:

luet build --compression zstd ...

Will output package compressed in the zstd format.

See the --help of create-repo and build to learn all the available options.


Luet can seamlessly build packages also from Dockerfiles (since luet>=0.32.0), consider the following example, that will generate a curl package from an alpine image:

$> # put yourself in some workdir

$~/workdir> mkdir curl

$~/workdir> cat <<EOF > curl/Dockerfile
FROM alpine
apk add curl

$~/workdir> luet build --all

However, luet supports an extended syntax that allows to define packages with a more fine-grained control, templating support, and several other features that makes creation batch images much faster.

The extended syntax

A package definition is composed of a build.yaml and a sibiling definition.yaml.

In the following example, we are creating a dummy package (bar/foo). Which ships one file only, /foo

$> # put yourself in some workdir

$~/workdir> mkdir package

$~/workdir> cat <<EOF > package/build.yaml
image: busybox
- echo "foo=bar" > /foo

$~/workdir> cat <<EOF > package/definition.yaml
name: "foo"
version: "0.1"
category: "bar"

To build it, simply run luet build bar/foo or luet build --all to build all the packages in the current directory:

$> luet build --all

📦  Selecting  foo 0.1
📦  Compiling foo version 0.1 .... ☕
🐋  Downloading image luet/cache-foo-bar-0.1-builder
🐋  Downloading image luet/cache-foo-bar-0.1
📦   foo Generating 🐋  definition for builder image from busybox
🐋  Building image luet/cache-foo-bar-0.1-builder
🐋  Building image luet/cache-foo-bar-0.1-builder done
 Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.096kB

Luet “trees” are just a group of specfiles, in the above example, our tree was the current directory. You can also specify a directory with the --tree option. Luet doesn’t enforce any tree layout, so they can be nested at any level. The only rule of thumb is that a build.yaml file needs to have either a definition.yaml or a collection.yaml file next to it.

Nesting dependencies

In the example above we have created a package from a delta. Luet by default creates packages by analyzing the differences between the generated containers, and extracts the differences as archive, the resulting files then are compressed and can be consumed later on by luet install.

Luet can create packages from different building strategies: by delta, by taking a whole container content, or by considering a single directory in the build container.

Besides that, a package can reference a strict dependency on others.


Let’s extend the above example with two packages which depends on it during the build phase.

$~/workdir> mkdir package2

$~/workdir> cat <<EOF > package2/build.yaml
- name: "foo"
  category: "bar"
  version: ">=0"

- source /foo && echo "$foo" > /bar

$~/workdir> cat <<EOF > package2/definition.yaml
name: "ineedfoo"
version: "0.1"
category: "bar"

$~/workdir> mkdir package3

$~/workdir> cat <<EOF > package3/build.yaml
- name: "foo"
  category: "bar"
  version: ">=0"
- name: "ineedfoo"
  category: "bar"
  version: ">=0"

- source /foo && echo "$foo" > /ineedboth
- cat /bar > /bar


$~/workdir> cat <<EOF > package3/definition.yaml
name: "ineedfooandbar"
version: "0.1"
category: "bar"

To build, run again:

$> luet build --all

As we can see, now Luet generated 3 packages, bar/foo, bar/ineedfoo and bar/ineedfooandbar. They aren’t doing anything special than just shipping text files, this is an illustrative example on how build requirements can be combined to form new packages:

bar/ineedfooandbar depends on both bar/ineedfoo and bar/foo during build-time, while bar/foo uses a docker image as a build base.

See the package definition documentation page for more details on how to instruct the Luet compiler to build packages with different strategies.

Caching docker images

Luet can push and pull the docker images that are being generated during the build process. A tree is represented by a single docker image, and each package can have one or more tags attached to it.

To push automatically docker images that are built, use the --push option, to pull, use the --pull option. An image repository can be specified with --image-repository flag, and can include also the remote registries where the images are pushed to.

Luet doesn’t handle login to registries, so that has to be handled separately with docker login or img login before the build process starts.

Build faster

When packages are cached, for iterating locally it’s particularly useful to jump straight to the image that you want to build. You can use --only-target-package to jump directly to the image you are interested in. Luet will take care of checking if the images are present in the remote registry, and would build them if any of those are missing.

Building for a different platform

Sometimes you need to build a package for a different platform than the one running on your host machine. For example, you may want to build an arm64 package, but your machine is x86. To do this, all you need to do is pass the following arguments:

luet --backend-args --load --backend-args --platform --backend-args linux/arm64 build PACKAGE_NAME


  • All the files which are next to a build.yaml are copied in the container which is running your build, so they are always accessible during build time.
  • If you notice errors about disk space, mind to set the TMPDIR env variable to a different folder. By default luet respects the O.S. default (which in the majority of system is /tmp).